As most of you know, I’ve been working a lot in HDR these last few months and Trey Ratcliff’s site Stuck in Customs has been a huge source of inspiration for me for over two years now. His photos are all HDRs and are very artistic without going into the extreme HDR area – he even has a paragraph in his HDR tutorial about how „Friends don’t let friends do HDR on drugs“.
A few months ago, he started talking about publishing a book with the best of his pictures – and I was really excited, because I enjoy his photos so much, so when the book was available for pre-order I ordered my copy. I got it in early January and it blew away my expectations! It includes the best of his photos from the past few years with his descriptions of the photos. His descriptions often include a little story about how the photo came to be but also valuable tips & tricks on how to take a great photo and how to process it. To top it of, he has included his HDR tutorial, which shows his whole workflow for a typical HDR as well as some other reviews of useful apps for photographers. It’s really a great book and you should definitely check it out – even though it maybe sold out in your country’s amazon.
Since Trey publishes his photos under a creative commons license, I will show you my favorites by Trey (all links will lead to the photos on Flickr):