Link to this image on Flickr
I spent the whole of yesterday evening processing and editing the pictures I had taken during the day. My workflow usually consists of looking at all pictures while the rest is still importing to get a first overview over what pictures I have and about the average quality of the pictures. Afterwards I go thorugh the pictures a second time and give ratings to the pictures I like best – 5 stars to those that are pretty perfect in every regard, 4 for quality pics that are sharp and everything but somehow are missing „something“ and 3 stars for pictures I like but do not love. The rest does not get a rating, indicationg that they are not worth publishing but not so bad as to delete them. This time I decided to do the processing while I was rating the pictures which took me a pretty long time even though I only edited pics that got a rating and only did very basic editing on most of them. But after a few hours I was finished and this morning I decided to split the pictures into two slideshows: one with pictures that got 4 or 5 stars and one with pictures that got a rating (so all with 3, 4, or 5 stars).
You can find the shorter slideshow (even that has 140 pic or so) by clicking here.
The long version can be accessed via this link.
I hope you ejoy the pictures and feel free to leave me a comment here in the blog post or via email 🙂 I will also upload the best pictures to Flickr in the next weeks.
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