Fuji released their new flagship camera this month, the X-Pro2. It is the first X-series camera to feature a 24MP sensor (compared to 16MP before) and it has a very interesting hybrid optical & electronic view finder. When I first […]
Fuji released their new flagship camera this month, the X-Pro2. It is the first X-series camera to feature a 24MP sensor (compared to 16MP before) and it has a very interesting hybrid optical & electronic view finder. When I first […]
One of the things I was most concerned about when I changed my camera system from a Canon DSLR to a Fuji X-Series camera was the macro performance. Smaller cameras and sensors can have a negative effect on Depth of […]
DSLR cameras get bigger, the more high end they are. In some respects this is great: larger hands have a better grip on a big camera, for example, but at the same time that size often comes with an increase […]
So last weekend I did something I have been thinking about for months now: I picked up a mirror less interchangeable lens camera. I bought the Fuji X-E2 and the 60mm Macro lens as well as the 35mm f1.4 lens. […]
I have not been out photographing much this year but now that I have the Fuji X20, I had to take it out to really try it. Because that is the thing: it takes time to get comfortable with a […]
When Fuji announced the original X100 I really loved the design and the features it offered and the pictures I saw in the reviews but reviews were really mixed on the actual camera so I decided against getting the camera. […]
In my last blog post I hinted at a longer story coming forth about my problems with my scanner. Today is the day to write this down. Years upon years ago, I bought a HP G4010, which has a backlight […]
This last year I have been collecting analogue cameras but I didn’t have a proper place to showcase them. So for the better part of the year they simply stood on a table where we usually put our jigsaw puzzles […]
No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you, I am talking about my christmas present, which I tried out last week for the first time (don’t even ask….). For Christmas I got a Lensbaby Muse. If you don’t know what a Lensbaby […]
In my last post I talked about the GPS tracker I bought recently. By now I have had the chance to take it out on three trips 😀 So I have definitely had time to test it.The device takes three […]