This week I was able to go out and photograph for the first time in over a month. It was an incredible feeling to be „out there“ again and being totally „in the zone“. I went to the Botanical Garden […]
This week I was able to go out and photograph for the first time in over a month. It was an incredible feeling to be „out there“ again and being totally „in the zone“. I went to the Botanical Garden […]
Sorry, I haven’t posted in way to long but I have been pretty busy with school 🙁 But nevertheless, I want to show you my Flickr Favorites from the last three weeks. Most of these pictures are from my contacts […]
Wow, time is running away right now – amazing that it has been over a week since my last post. Even though I wanted to be so much more active on Flickr this week, I was only a little bit […]
Some weeks ago I visited the local botanical gargen in Frankfurt, Germany. As you can probably guess, I had a blast with my Macro lens. While I normally try to frame the picture directly in the camera as I want […]
My move to Atlanta has been a bit hectic, especially with getting to know the area (especially college campus) and everything. That is why I haven’t been too active on Flickr in the last two weeks and haven’t written a […]
Guess what? – It’s Wednesday again! You know what that means: It’s time for my weekly update on my Flickr Favorites. Even though I was pretty active on Flickr this last week, I only added 23 new favorites this week. […]
It’s Wednesday again and once again, here are my facorites for this week. 25 pictures this week, mostly due to the fact that I wasn’t as active on Flickr this week as in the last few weeks. Again, several butterflies […]
Link to this image on FlickrI spent the whole of yesterday evening processing and editing the pictures I had taken during the day. My workflow usually consists of looking at all pictures while the rest is still importing to get […]
Just a small teaser photo. I spent the day in the botanical garden in Frankfurt and took loads of photos (over 750). I have already gone thorugh them and edited a lot of the and I am left with 345 […]
On my old site I had a photo album containing pictures already resized for the use as wallpapers on the iPhone that I had created for my personal use and then decided to share with other users. This post on […]